
Marketing at Its Best

I know I've been MIA for a bit now. That doesn't mean I'm still not keeping up-to-date with the latest trends! I'm an avid blog reader/follower. Plus, these trendy blogs are what I feel are more interesting than the news =( . Gah! Wrong thing to say. hah. Anyways, A while back circa summer of 2010, I read about Forever 21's insane LED interactive bilboard in Times Square, NY. It has a (very expensive) video camera of the crowd standing in front of the store. A model will come onto the screen and take a poloroid snapshot of the crowd and showcase it for the people to see. Also, other models will appear on the screen and select a few people from the crowd and place them into a Forever 21 bag or underneath her hat. It's actually kind of cool! Very techy and modern... definitely a crowd pleaser and a distraction to drivers! Nonetheless, clever idea that led up to the grand opening of the store (which took over Virgin Megastore... RIP)

Clever marketing scheme#2 ---> Students (assuming) from a professional design school in the UK created a project for WESC by using an Interactive Window Concept. This incorporates online users through WESC's website, and those who are simply passing by a store window. Users online can create "activists", choose a background by uploading an image and using a kaleidoscope tool to create a wallpaper, and select a store in any city for their concept to be displayed. For those who walk by the store window ignite the interactive window by some sort of sensor technology. Quite fascinating I tell ya!

Cool... right??? duh.

araxie a.
Rue Electric

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